i swear these things only happen to me

27 Jul

have you ever had one of those days where your zipper breaks on your dress and you just about flash everyone in the office?

thank goodness for large purses.

have you ever had one of those days where the blisters on your feet are so large you need a bigger shoe to keep them from rubbing?

thank goodness for sandals.

i menti0ned the other day to the boyfriend that i felt so spacey lately and accompanying the spacey-ness is a lot of clumsiness.  i am about one more shin scrape, two more toe stubs, and one more large pimple showing up on my face away from losing it.    is this what going through the change is like?

thank goodness for sweatpants and teen mom marathons.

on the bright side, since waking up early to work out, i’ve been 10 times more productive at work.  i’m guessing there’s a give and take here though.  in order to be more productive i’m sacrificing basic human functions.

i’ve debated on whether or not to show you the GINORMOUS blister on my left foot.  but i’ve spared you the image.  just know that with today’s run it’s grown.  and it’s squishy when i walk.

i’m hoping to develop a lovely callous in a week.

i ran 2 sweaty miles this morning.  an out and back loop the way i like it.  it was hilly.  actually.  any run i do outside my house is hilly.  but it was over before i knew it and i met the boyfriend back at the door to walk opie.

breakfast was a serving of the scottish oats i cooked last night in the rice cooker.  i heated some up and added a splash of soy milk and honey.  stir stir stir.  plus fresh strawberries, mom’s natural honey grahams, and justin’s chocolate hazelnut butter.  MMM!  I would show you a picture but it looks like poop.  really.  the lighting in the kitchen was horrible and the hazelnut butter looks attrocious.

just a peek then.

it may have photographed disgusting, but let me tell you – mmmm!  chocolate hazelnut butter and strawberries are amazing.  scottish oats are my absolute favorite!  if you think old fashioned oats are too mushy then give scottish oats a try.  they are less processed and have more of a chewy texture if you don’t cook them too long.  of course if you like the mushier texture just keep cooking them – either way i think they have a nuttier flavor and can stand alone without mix-ins.

have you ever cut open an individual serving packet of justin’s nut butters in order to scrape them clean and not waste any…no?  just me…?

thank goodness for understanding friends

2 Responses to “i swear these things only happen to me”

  1. Jessica @ Stylish Stealthy and Healthy July 27, 2011 at 10:58 am #

    haha that sounds like a pretty craptacular day, but funny enough I find myself frequently being thankful for large purses.
    And I had no idea you could cook oats in a rice cooker…!

  2. run run rachel July 27, 2011 at 11:12 am #

    i wore that purse like a backpack. and if your mother has ever said “wear clean underwear in case you’re in a car accident” – i’m telling you to wear underwear. period. in case your dress falls off.

    tmi? sorry. it’s hot outside.

    my rice cooker has a boil/simmer option where you just tell it how long something needs to simmer and it will bring the contents to a boil and then reduce the heat automatically. others have a porridge option.

    1 cup steel cut oats and 3 cups water and any sweetener or spices you like to add. when the timer goes off the oats will look watery on top, but a quick stir and they look picture perfect. before you put the chocolate nut butter on there of course.

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